

WHAT EVEN IS AN OUTDOOR KITCHEN? In Iowa, we are cooped up half the year. While the weather is pleasant, we want to be outside as much as possible.  I get a lot of questions about outdoor kitchen design – what’s needed? How do you plan? To help you get started, I want to teach […]

Check your zones for a great outdoor kitchen plan

Design School

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If you’ve spent any time on our website, you surely recognize this beautiful home. This landscape project was one of Red Fern’s first design jobs in New Hampshire many years ago, and it has never made it to the blog until now! We love the gracious front porch, the green on green on green peaceful […]

In the Studio | Landscape for New Construction

In the studio

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This gorgeous farmhouse in rural Adel needed its landscaping finished. While the builder had already poured a back patio, this farmhouse needed more landscaping to feel like it was settled into its surroundings. The homeowners plan to build a lovely barn and needed landscaping around it- plantings and a patio seating area.  They also wanted help […]

In the Studio | Modern Farmhouse Landscape

In the studio

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The wonderful couple that approached me about this project was not afraid of hard work OR plants. They bought this house from a plantsman, and they saw how everything had slipped away from its former glory. While they didn’t want to re-create the same exact look that the previous owner had created, they did want […]

In the studio | A garden oasis in downtown Ames

In the studio

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One of the best parts of my job is seeing the designs we come up with become real life outdoor spaces in my clients’ homes. but the thing is…I don’t do that work! I have to rely on quality landscape contractors to install the projects that my clients and I work so hard to create. […]

What makes a quality landscape contractor?

Working with us

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Happy August! At this time of year, garden centers in Iowa and in other cold parts of the country are beginning to mark plants down.  Well, this girl loves a bargain!  How do you decide if it’s worth it to pull over when you see those 30% off (or more) signs? Don’t be swayed by […]

Six Questions to help you choose the best Garden Center Markdown (or twelve!)

Plant Info

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