
Garden Container Inspiration – Go Big!


 Big container planting

Looking for some container garden inspiration?  Check out these amazing containers! I love getting inspired by large corporate installations – they are so grand!  Our own home gardens might not require planters that tower overhead, but the punch and strength of these babies can be scaled to back patio size, at a fraction of the cost. These containers were outside a Michigan mall, and some were along the main street in Frankenmuth, MI. Check out other inspiration from Frankenmuth here!

 Big container planting

 Large container planting

 Large scale container planting

 Big container planting

The standard recipe for an awesome container is just three parts: thriller, filler, and spiller. The thriller stands high, the filler adds dimension and medium-height, and the spiller drapes down the side of the container. It’s easy to get a container right if you use the basic recipe. It’s not the only way, but it’s tried and true.

 Thriller, Filler, Spiller Label

So if you’re wanting some container garden inspiration, look around your yard and think about going big!  Stick to the thriller, spiller, filler formula if you’re nervous, or riff on it if you’re confident.  Enjoy the garden container inspiration you can find all over- big or small.

 Really big container planting