
What the Dutch know about planters


 Dutch cafe containers-2

 Dutch cafe containers

 Dutch cafe containers-3

 Container combination

 Containers Separating tables

Most European towns have great combinations of plants outside their restaurants, but no one quite knows how to handle horticulture like the Dutch.  These planters grace a sweet lunch and dinner spot in the sleepy town of Delft.

Plant combinations have a tremendous effect on the mood of their surroundings.  Here the color palette is a study in subdued contrasts: silvery-blue, deep purple-black, and touches of creamy yellow… Broad glossy foliage combined with thin, airy stems… It’s not jarring but it’s not boring either! Summer evenings in the Netherlands last until after 10pm, so mix these elegantly casual planters with a few great cocktails, and you’ve set the perfect stage for interesting conversations that stretch over hours.